Great fishing continued and our guests caught a total of 7 Trophy fish. We are pleased to welcome the following anglers to our Lake Trout Trophy Club: Dee Third (101 cm), Sepp Nufer (106 cm), Markus Hackl (104 cm, 105 cm), Philipp Inderbitzin (104 cm), Victor Flecklin (104 cm). Victor also caught a Trophy Pike of 107 cm on the same day as the Trophy Lake Trout. Congratulations to everybody and well done!
Lake Trout fishing was excellent everywhere we have fished and besides the Trophies we landed many big fish above 90 cm. There were many Lakers caught using flies and they have put a real test to the fishermen and gear.
Fishing for Pike was pretty good and a fair number of fish in the range of 90 to 100 cm were landed. But we also had slower days when the Pike were not active. Well that is why it’s called fishing and not catching.
The King Salmon run is a lot better than expected, so far 793 Kings went through the weir. The projected total is estimated at 1’500 fish and is well above the escapement target. This is very good news and was also reflected in our catches.
The Grayling fishing was slower than the previous weeks. The reason is that some of the streams or rivers we fish had high water due to rain. Other rivers were not affected and we did well on these ones. This is the nice thing about the fishing here, no matter what happens with the weather we have always places where we can go and catch fish.
We did one fly out trip to the coast of Alaska for Sockeye Salmon and it was a good success. Our guests caught many chrome Salmon on the fly.
The week started with a good amount of rain which was much appreciated as far as the fire situation is concerned. Most of the fires are extinguished now. Then we had beautiful weather with hardly any wind at all. The last two days of the week we experienced solid rain again but the forecast is looking awesome for the next week. So all in all another great fishing week with plenty of action!