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2024, August

August came and went in a flurry of happy guests, huge fish and beautiful Yukon scenery.

Once again, we had a sensational month here at Dalton Trail Lodge. August proved to be a hot month with many sunny wind free days. We were able to send our guests to all of our locations and were rewarded with world class fishing, time and time again.

Included in these trips are the over night trips to our outpost cabin. Here people truly got the Yukon experience of peace and quiet only found in the silence of the wilderness.

We landed a slew of Trophy fish this month. Many Lake Trout as well as an Arctic Grayling:

Marcus LT 101cm, Anna LT 105cm, Alex Barbier LT 101 + 106cm, Roger LT 100 +104cm, Brad LT 102cm, Christina Grayling 49cm, Al LT 105cm, Dennis LT 103cm, Brian LT 101cm, Rick LT 104cm, Marcin LT 106cm, Karol LT 102cm, Tim Drasler LT 101cm and John Jennings LT 103 + 105cm!

Ralph Hayes had the pleasure of catching the biggest fish this season, a massive, healthy Lake Trout that measured 117cm!

Congratulations everyone and welcome to the Trophy Club!

We had the pleasure of seeing the first Northern Lights of the season, also known as the Aurora Borealis. On these nights the sky fills with bright green lights that can turn to purple, white or a beautiful array of all the colors. 

King Boletus Mushrooms were slow to start this season. In the last few days of August, after some rain, they finally started to pop up! Some of our guests go out to pick them either for an appetizer or to dry them to take home. Our Chef Mike also picks them to add to the evening dinners.

As fall approaches the Lake Trout will be moving to their spawning grounds in shallower waters. This makes fishing for them a bit easier, especially for the fly fishermen. Guests will be able to fish for the bigger ones without having to use down riggers.

September is here and the leaves are starting to turn yellow and orange. Fishing is forecasted to be world class a usual!

Your Dalton Trail Lodge Team