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Week 5-9, 2024

We had an amazing and successful month of July here at the Lodge!

Time is flying and we are happy to say that things have been smooth sailing. The weather was very favorable, we had many beautiful wind free days. The beginning of the month was hot and sunny, it cooled off towards the end of the month but we are happy to say that summer is coming back in force with the forecast calling for +25 or more.

We fished all of our lakes and rivers and were rewarded with action all around. Grayling fishing was world class as always and we are happy to say that we landed our first Trophy Grayling of the year. Congratulations to Pavel for landing a 48cm and 51cm fish!

Once again, we have a bunch of Lake Trout Trophys to report:

Anke (109cm), Andrea (105cm), Enrico (100cm), Gerrit (104+100cm), Jack (101cm), Rudi (100cm), Pavel (107cm), Pavel (105cm), Zdenek (104cm), Alex (109cm), Max (103,103+108cm), Terry (106cm), Andreas (105+105cm). Awesome fishing all around and welcome to the Trophy Club!

We have had a lot of groups that only fly fish. They were able, even in the hottest part of our summer, to access all of our species and to catch huge fish in the process.

Pike fishing was hot all over, although we didn’t land a lot of Trophies, we did land a lot of fish that were just shy of the mark.

We did many trips to our outpost cabins where guest to really enjoy the true peace and quiet that the Yukon has to offer. Mush lake has been a hot spot again! The river levels came down and we were able to access this beautiful lake deep in the Kluane National Park. To get here we take a 4x4 truck and follow an old exploration road, crossing several river and creeks, a true Yukon adventure. We have the only boat at the lake, giving our guests an undisturbed fishing adventure in a breath taking environment.

We had a large group of scientists from British Columbia use our lodge as their base camp for a week while they collected samples from all over the provincial park for research purposes. It was an interesting change from our usually fishing oriented operation.

All in all, things are going great and we are looking forward to more adventures and happy faces!