It has been a fantastic fishing week and we are pleased to report no less than 5 Trophy Pike. We would like to welcome the following fishermen to our Trophy Club: Dennis Bueser (105 cm, 115 cm), Michael Moehrer (105 cm, 112 cm), Rudi Jaax (106 cm). Congratulations to all of you and great job!

Besides these huge Pike there were many other big Pike in the range of 90 cm to 100 cm being caught.
Lake Trout fishing was outstanding too and our guests landed several nice fish over 80 cm. The biggest fish measured 95 cm, like the last weeks only a tiny bit shy of the Trophy mark. We are confident that pretty soon we will be able to report the first Trophy of the season.
Our fishermen had amazing action fishing for Grayling with the fly. Dry fly fishing was fantastic as the fish were very active on the surface. We had many beautiful Grayling in the range of 40 cm to 46 cm.
Fishing for Rainbow Trout was great as well and our guests caught a lot of the hard fighting fish.
Most of our guests “complained” about catching too many fish – a nice problem to have though… We had many wildlife sightings, especially Moose. One day a group of fishermen saw no less than 8 Moose in a single day! Quite a few Bears around too, but all of them behaved very well.
The weather was mainly sunny and very warm. We had no wind for the first couple of days but the south wind started to pick up towards the end of the week. But it wasn’t strong so it gave us no hassle. Conditions are extremely dry and everybody has to use extreme caution. Mainly lightning has caused already 37 fires in the Territory with burning more than 12’000 hectares of forest. No problem at our end, all the fires are far away from us. All in all an outstanding week of fishing!