We experienced an exceptional fishing week with many big fish being caught. Ralph Hayes caught a Trophy Pike of 106 cm and John Jennings landed two Trophy Pike of 105 cm and 107 cm. Good job guys and welcome to our Trophy Club!

Tim Drasler missed his Trophy Pike by just a few centimetres but caught two big Lake Trout of 90cm and 95 cm. Pike fishing was great with many bigger fish in the range of 90 cm to 100 cm. Our guests had a lot of action with surface lures. What a thrill when a large fish attacks the lures on the surface!
Lake Trout fishing was great too and our guests landed a lot of fish around 60 cm to 70 cm. Besides the “smaller” fish we caught about half a dozen of really nice fish bigger than 85 cm.
The Rainbow Trout and Grayling were also very active and many fish were either caught on flies or smaller spinners.
A group of our guests had a unique experience with wildlife. They were fishing a Pike area when a Moose suddenly showed up and started feeding very close to the fishermen for about half an hour. The Moose didn’t seem to be bothered by the fishing at all.
The weather was cooperating as well, we had beautiful weather most of the week. It has been a real treat that there was hardly any wind at all. The only downside was that we had some thunderstorms and sometimes we got chased away from the storms. So far we had already more calm days than the whole last summer! And the forecast is calling for even higher temperatures. It is too bad that we didn’t have more guests here as the fishing and the weather was outstanding. But the clients who didn’t miss the opportunity to visit us had a great time!