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2017— Week 29

This week the weather was not very friendly with us. It rain most of the days and was quite cold. The water temperatures are still fairly cold.


11 year old Mottlieu landed a 101cm Lake Trout, congratulations and welcome to the Trophy Club. As the fish was so big he did not feel comfortable holding it for a picture and chose to release it without taking one. We always ensure that the fish is out of the water only for a minimal amount of time. Guests are encouraged to keep their cameras ready and only take a few quick pictures.

We have some great news this week, the Salmon are back into our river systems in good numbers! That is wonderful news after last year’s slow run. Our guests landed the first Kings, and Sockeye. One group flew out to our outpost camp by the ocean and they landed a bunch of beautiful Sockeye.

On one of the cold days when there were not many guided trips we sent two of our guides to Mush Lake. They brought in a brand new canoe to explore and fish Baits Lake. This will give our guests the option of enjoying this remote lake and catching some fish that have rarely seen a hook.

Although it was chilly many of our guests went out every day and were rewarded with great fishing and nice sized fish. Next week looks like the weather will be better with hot sunny days forecasted.

Your Dalton Trail Lodge Team

Images: Oli and his King Salmon, Adrian and a nice sized Lake Trout, A nice sized Grayling.