We have come to the end of our first week and it has been great. There were some awesome trips and awesome fish caught. We would like to welcome three people to our 2015 hall of fame. Rolf Haeuptli caught a huge trophy pike of 115cm. Bob Norgard caught a 107 cm trophy pike. Ralph Hayes caught not only one but two trophy pikes sizing 110 and 108cm. Although the wind picked up a bit we were still able to get a lot of fishing in there.
The Pike fishing was world class! There were a lot of beautiful Grayling and Lake Trout caught as well.
Due to the wind stirring the water a bit the water temperatures were a bit lower then usual for this time of the year. We have already been able to send out trips to both of our outpost cabins. The clients were able to enjoy the great fishing as well as the serenity of staying in the wilderness for a night.
Rolf Haeuptli, owner of Andino Reisen and our new agent in Switzerland, was visiting us this week as well. During his familiarization tour he did not only catch a lot of fish (including a trophy pike of 115cm) but he also got a great impression of the variety of the excursions we offer. All in all, everything is going great here at Dalton Trail Lodge and we are looking forward to a fantastic summer.