Latest News

2015— Week 22

Another season is about to be underway. Today our first clients are arriving and we are all very excited for everything to get started in the 2015 season!


A nice pikeThe first large Lake TroutA nice colorful TroutWe had a very mild winter with less snow than normal. There were times when it went as low as -40 Celsius but not for very long periods. Our spring has been beautiful with temperature going as high as +25 Celsius. The mild winter and hot spring has made it so that the ice-out has been early this year.

We have already had the opportunity to get out to our cabins and get them prepared for the first clients. We are really looking forward to our clients arriving so that they can get out there and experience the world class fishing that comes with the ice leaving the lakes.

While training our new guide we had a chance to catch a few fish, as you see in our photos. Once we have been out with the clients we will have more news about the fishing and the waters.

There have also been a lot of other preparations going on as well. We have serviced all our boats and ATVs; test drove the boats and tested out our bridge that we built to get the ATVs to our outpost cabin, as well as other cleaning, maintenance and servicing. All is good and we are ready for another great season here at Dalton Trail Lodge.

Our booking are great this year, we do have a bit of room at the end of August and the end of September so if you have not book your summer vacation with us yet make sure you do so soon,

Your Dalton Trail Lodge Team