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2016— Week 38

Fall has fully set in here in the Yukon. The weather has been good and the fishing has been awesome.


The Pike have been so aggressive that we have been getting one double header after another.

Our guests caught many large Grayling this week; one was measured at 47cm.

We sent a group of clients on a fly out trip to the coast to our Salmon fishing destination, although there were not as many fish as expected they were still able to land 15 fish. We will be sending another bigger group next week and we expect the number to be higher.

The Lake Trout have teamed up in the shallower waters and our guest caught amazing numbers of fish at quite a few of our destinations.

On one of the days it rained a little bit and we got our first snow in the mountains. Our guests loved seeing the bright snowy white in the mountains. A few of our guests were really interested in seeing the Northern Lights and on one of the clear colder nights we were able to wake them up in time to see a wonderful display of this rare spectacle.

We did a few more hunting trips this week and our guests were once again well rewarded. They rode ATV’s up most of a mountain then hiked till they found hundreds of birds waiting for them.

We have one more week of fishing ahead of us this season and we are looking forward to it being a busy one, even though we are not having a full house.

Your Dalton Trail Lodge Team

Images: A nice sized Grayling, Pan full of Ptarmigan, A nice healthy Northern Pike.